An undocumented source of student stress and suicide
When I was a student I did a research year into stress in medical students and junior doctors.I found one cause of untold stress in students which is not well documented. It causes the affected student no end of stress and has a profoundly negative impact on their mental health.
It sometimes ends in tragedy. I know of 8 such cases. However I do a self defence class and it appears to me that the problem is increasing.
What is it?
It’s parental pressure to force the student to study a course against their will. The worst case I ever saw was a 1st year medical student who was forced by his parents. He dropped out, left the university and sometime later I heard of his suicide. It turned out his parents would have nothing to do with him, they wouldn’t support him financially.
You have to remember that these students are 18. They are just kids.
No matter what you see in the media the majority of students are hard working individuals who don’t take part in protest marches.
Please watch this video to see how it can cause damage to the relationship between student and parent.
See how this father is putting undue pressure on his daughter to study a course she doesn’t want to.
See how this father is putting undue pressure on his daughter to study a course she doesn’t want to.
Now see this extract from Dead Poets Society.
Neil was a gifted student, a brilliant actor. His father wanted him to be a doctor. His father found out that his son was playing the lead role in a play. Look how his father reacted. I personally would have been very proud.
Now see how it ended in tragedy.
Although this is a fictional case please note that in several cases it’s very real and is not well documented.
What I would like you to do.
Firstly sign this parliamentary petition to make forcing someone into a career they don’t want illegal.
Remember you can only sign a parliamentary petition if you are a UK citizen. If you get 10,000 signatures you get a response from the government. If you get 100,000 they consider it for debate in parliament.
Please go to this link. to sign it and then once you’ve signed it write signed under my post on facebook.
The URL to the petition is also here
If you have been affected by the issues in this video blog
If you have been affected by the issues in this video blog please contact the Samaritans by going to and you’ll see their telephone number.
Also please watch the video below.
Only if we make this practice illegal will we stop this from happening.
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- Dead poet society Neil Perry and his father
- Dead poets society: Neil’s death
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