From Rotherham’s sex abuse scandal reveals failure at the heart of government

Rotherham- I warned them in 1999 but nobody listened.

James Bond
4 min readSep 13, 2019

The world was shocked to hear the scandal of the Rotherham child abuse scandal (1.) I am a survivor of the Hillsborough disaster of 15th April 1989. After the Hillsborough disaster every time I went outside Liverpool in the UK I had to defend the city. All sorts of things would be said about the day when 96 innocent Liverpool fans died.

Then in 2012 it was truth day- a day that Liverpool fans will never forget- we call it truth day. It was the day the The Hillsborough independent Panel report came out showing that up to 46 lives could have been saved.(2.) All of us felt vindicated. No longer did I have to be ashamed to say I am from the Liverpool area nor ashamed to say I support Liverpool FC.

Then in 2014 it was the turn of South Yorkshire. On 21st August 2014 the Jay report entitled Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997–2013) was published. (3.) It reported that some 1400 young girls that we knew about had been sexually molested by men of predominantly Paksitani heritage. It concluded that the police and social services had not taken appropriate action for fear of being called racist (4.)

I have many good friends in Rotherham- all decent people -who now tell me they are ashamed to say to people they are from Rotherham. They tell me that they can relate to what I used to feel like when I say I am from the Liverpool area and I support Liverpool FC.

I feel for these people, I feel for the girls who were exploited, used and abused in every unimaginable way. However from a personal point of view I felt sick to the core and violated.

In 1999 when I was a final year medical student at the University of Sheffield I wrote a paper which I submitted to the medical press. By that time I had done four attachments at Rotherham District General Hospital and loads at the Northern General Hospital Sheffield.​

When the horror stories of Rotherham and Telford came out I said to people “I told you so.”

By December 1999 I had noticed a hugely disproportionate number of people women coming into hospital who had been assaulted by men of certain groups. I made some predictions that made some people very uncomfortable. I said that if we did nothing then within 20 years there would be a huge explosion in the number of such assaults. I submitted it to the medical press . I sent a copy to South Yorkshire Police. Nobody listened. I was told not to say anything for fear of being branded a racist- I am of Indian Hindu background and by that time I started the Commission for Racial Equality Investigation into Sheffield University. You can see the damning judgement by clicking here.

I was told there would be professional repercussions. I proved to be right. Now I know how Sarah Connor of the Terminator Movies felt!

I agree 100% with every word Mohan Singh says in A Sikhs Response to Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs in Rotherham — Sikh Awareness Society (5.) Please take a moment to see this brilliant video.

I also saw this excellent video from Riaz Khan. I don’t always agree with him but I have tremendous respect for him. If you see this 90 second video you’ll see the response of the silent majority. I agree with all but one of the points he says.

He mentions that in the Department of health report 68% of those who were suspected of grooming young girls were white. The DoH report had no set criteria for what was a suspect. The Jay report dealt with strict legal criteria- men who had reached the criminal threshold for criminal conviction. Sadly the majority were on Pakistani heritage.

Now I must emphasise that I have some very good Muslim friends who abhor such behaviour but they dare not say anything. I personally know some Islamic doctors who, on the night of the Manchester Terror attack at the Ariana Grande concert, rushed to hospital to help with the wounded and never took a penny in payment. They like the The Bearded Broz​ are what I would call true followers of Islam. I am very proud to follow Imam Tawhidi​. People like them are the silent majority.


We must put political correctness in the trash. A spade is a spade. If we had acted in 1999 when I warned the authorities these 1400 young girls lives could have been spared. It’s that simple.


You can get my paper from


1 Rotherham’s sex abuse scandal reveals failure at the heart of government.

2 Hillsborough: the day the truth came out

3 Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997–2013)

4) Rotherham child abuse: The background to the scandal

5) A Sikhs Response to Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs in Rotherham — Sikh Awareness Society

6) Muslim Man Speaks Out Against Grooming Gangs

