I was outraged to read Labour MPs refuse to use election leaflets carrying the Union Flag — claiming its ‘colours are associated with the National Front’ and will put off black and Asian voters (1.)
I am a UK born and raised 2nd generation Indian living in the UK and words cannot express how outraged I am to hear this.
I would ask every single one of you in the UK to encourage everyone you know to vote Labour out on 2nd May. The MPs oath of office says “I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs and successors, according to law. So, help me God.” (2.)
This means that they are loyal to the Union Jack. By its very title, the flag unites us. Our forefathers in the great wars bled, fought and died for that flag to give us the freedoms we have, enjoy and take for granted today. Had they not done that the UK would have been ruled by the Nazis. I would remind everyone that Nazi is an abbreviation for National Socialist.
These 150 Labour MPs would not have the freedom to make such outrageous demands had it not been for our forefathers. They have disrespected the King, the country and most importantly those who fell in the great wars. Their refusal to use the Union Jack flag is an outrageous insult to our fallen and…