Why I think the burqua and niqab should be banned on health, security and religious grounds

James Bond
3 min readAug 2, 2019

Let me explain why I think the burqa and niqab should be banned on health, security and religious grounds.

I was very pleased to see the Daily Mail article called Muslim woman, 39, is revealed as One Nation’s shock star candidate for Parliament — as she calls for burqa to be BANNED and slams women’s ‘lame excuses’ for wearing the Islamic garb. (1)

Very recently the Sri Lankan government banned the burqa a few days after the recent terrorist attack (2.) The Tunisian government did the same for security reasons (3.)

I have always been a firm believer in banning of the burka.

Is it a religious requirement?

If you see Here’s the truth behind the veil (4) written An Associate Professor of Islamic studies it is written that the only thing that comes remotely close to a Burqa in the Quran is a WHITE garment called a purdah which is to protect a woman against sunburn or a sandstorm. There is no religious requirement.


The Islamic countries of Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Niger and Turkey have banned it on security grounds (5.) if these Islamic countries have banned it then it can’t be a requirement.

Speaking as someone who was almost killed at the 7th July 2005 London bombings, I wholly endorse the ban. I was once set upon by 5 guys disguised in niqabs and I gave them a pasting. However, since they could not be identified the police can’t do anything.

What about health?

From a health point of view that lady is not exposed to sunlight. She can’t make vitamin D. She can’t absorb calcium and under the weight of the body the bones of the leg can bow- it’s called rickets and in severe cases it is life-threatening (6.)

With regards mental health I think it can be very damaging. That woman may well feel that she is not good enough to show her face to the public and that cannot be a good thing.

Therefore, I think it should be banned and nobody can call me a racist or anything for saying this because I am quoting a Professor of Islamic studies and now 6 Islamic countries have banned it.

Take action

If you are in the UK please go to https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/267783 and sign the parliamentary petition which is worded as follows. If there are 10,000 signatures then the government will respond. If there are 100,000 signatures then it will be considered for debate in parliament.

Very recently the Sri Lankan and Tunisian governments have banned full face coverings and coverings where only the eyes can be seen in public places for security reasons. We should too.


1. Muslim woman, 39, is revealed as One Nation’s shock star candidate for Parliament — as she calls for burqa to be BANNED and slams women’s ‘lame excuses’ for wearing the Islamic garb
(Date checked Friday 2nd August 2019)

2. Sri Lanka attacks: Face coverings banned after Easter bloodshed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-48088834 (Date checked Friday 2nd August 2019)

3. Tunisia bans face-covering veils in public institutions ‘for security reasons’ after terror attacks https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/tunisia-face-veils-niqab-burka-terror-attacks-security-a8991191.html (Date checked Friday 2nd August 2019)

4. Here’s the truth behind the veil (Date checked Friday 2nd August 2019) Farida Khanam Associate Professor of Islamic studies Jamia Milia University New Delhi. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/Heres-the-truth-behind-the-veil/articleshow/5516489.cms?fbclid=IwAR38F5Tx4NpVUbKWL7G0eH7aHVXnF_Q6UAd9tBpY6fQP7wWChAmFSOv0I7w

5. Burka bans: The countries where Muslim women can’t wear veils. Daily Telegraph.
(Date checked Friday 2nd August 2019) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/burka-bans-the-countries-where-muslim-women-cant-wear-veils/?fbclid=IwAR1HLyPRBwJ3AvveBeN8nxWuV_Ghm8RCjGg-FSfVpyqA-Tj2Ief39fYgCa0

6. Burkas ‘are bad for your health’ https://metro.co.uk/2007/07/18/burkas-are-bad-for-your-health-532757/



James Bond
James Bond

Written by James Bond

My name is Bond, Dr. James Bond, I help mothers get in shape http://www.operationmumsinmind.co.uk

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