Why the Tommy Robinson re-trial will not go anywhere.

James Bond
10 min readMay 16, 2019


Let me explain why Tommy’s trial will not go anywhere. High Court judges have given permission for fresh legal proceedings to go ahead after an application by attorney general Geoffrey Cox. (1)

Irrespective of what he is accused of everybody deserves a fair trial and protection of the human rights act.

Consider the case of Rupert Massey vs. UK. In this case a convicted paedophile was awarded minimal damages from the European Court on the grounds that they took too long to convict him. (2) If you read the judgement he got minimal token damages. However, he would have got a lot more had he been found innocent.

I lived what Tommy is going through between 1997 to 2010. Nobody knows more than me the dirty tricks that they have played and will continue to play.

Luckily what saved Tommy was the video taken showing the clear breaches in article 6 of the Human Rights Act. Had that recording not been available then I fear he would still be in jail now.

Their goal is now to drag it out as long as possible to get Tommy to give up. This is how they do it.

They want to financially cripple him. They know that he’ll never find work with this hanging over him.

They know his wife’s employer will be looking for a reason to fire her because of this. They’ll also hope that she’ll leave him due to the toll this will have on their marriage.

They are hoping his kids will be bullied at school over this.

I know this because I lived it. I was framed for something I didn’t do.

They nobbled my lawyers and the only way that they could win was to ensure my side of the story was never heard in public. Trust me I’ve been before some stupid judges in the past.

When Tommy appealed I wrote to his lawyers giving them legal arguments on how to win the appeal. Now I was pleased that they did a good job- I doubt very much they read my letter. However with my legal experience I knew that the 25th May arrest and conviction could not stand.

I only wish that today’s technology could have been available to me in 2002 and they would never have got me. I was limited by the technology of the time. However I still made it very difficult for them. The only way they could win was to manipulate procedures, manipulate evidence, give false information, knowingly lie on oath or withhold information from legal processes, put me before stupid judges, nobble my lawyers and ensure my side was never heard in court. The only good thing was that at the time I had no wife and kids for them to destroy.

Should this case go to trial no criminal penalty can be legally safe.

Let me remind you of the case of Rupert Massey vs. UK. In this case a convicted paedophile was awarded minimal damages from the European Court on the grounds that they took too long to convict him. If you read the judgement he got minimal token damages. However he would have got a lot more had he been found innocent.

Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following minimum rights:

To be informed promptly, in a language which he understands and in detail, of the nature and cause of the accusation against him; CLEAR VIOLATION. This never happened.

To have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence; CLEAR VIOLATION. This never happened.

To defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing or, if he has not sufficient means to pay for legal assistance, to be given it free when the interests of justice so require; CLEAR VIOLATION. This never happened.

To examine or have examined witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him;

CLEAR VIOLATION. This never happened.

To have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court. Not necessary.

Please note under article 6 “In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a REASONABLE TIME by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.”

In light of the Massey case irrespective of the outcome he can claim damages. However he can use the Massey case to get the case against him thrown out.

If the prosecution have any morals they’ll drop the case themselves. At most they can sentence Tommy to time already served and a financial penalty- which he’ll get back when he claims damages.

How do I know this?

I am the UK’s only doctor qualified personal trainer and I lived what Tommy is going through.

However, I am not practising because in 2006 I was framed for something I did not do and I was stripped of my license to practice by the UK’s regulatory body for doctors-the General Medical Council.

Hence I never managed to pay off my undergraduate student debts.

I have always protested my innocence.

I was charged with whole, load of offences.

The 2nd most serious offence was one of saying that my hospital medical director lied on oath at a coroner’s inquest. (3)

He submitted a witness statement saying he did not lie on oath at the inquest and had never lied on oath (link below).

The most serious offence was the allegation that I had made a fraudulent entry to sit my qualifying medical exams externally.

They got evidence from my medical school dean who gave a witness statement alleging fraud (link below.) Like my medical director he swore on oath that his statement was true.(4)

I submitted evidence showing that the medical director was under investigation for instructing his lawyers to give false information to that inquest (5.)

I also submitted evidence to show them that I had been referred to the GMC for the same charge over the fraudulent entry to sit my medical finals externally in 2001 and cleared (6).

My defence body lawyers never heard my side of things and walked out on me half way through the hearing.

I managed to get another lawyer in June 2006.

The case was adjourned until September 2006.

However during that time the new lawyer never met with me once to hear my side of the story despite being paid some £30,000.

His name is Gwynn Price Rowlands.

At the reconvened hearing I gave evidence to refute everything.

The GMC panel refused to read my evidence and stripped me of my license to practice.(7)

This left me with, no way to pay off my undergraduate debts.

3 months later they were forced to reveal another document saying that since the examining body had not complained there were no grounds to take action.(8) and (9)

The lawyer acting for the hospital at my internal disciplinary hearing admitted that the other charges- even if true and proven-were trivial (10).

That said they are easy to refute.

Had the hospital I worked for simply come up to me and said that the exam matter was what they were concerned about I would have shown them that document.

It would have saved the taxpayer at least £500,000.

The case would have been over within minutes.

Sadly at the appeal in 2008, the new lawyer representing me refused to mention with the withheld evidence and the appeal failed.

I pleaded with him to tell them of the withheld evidence.

He refused.

The GMC slapped a huge costs order against me.

So as well as my undergraduate debts I was slapped with a huge costs order by the high court.

The only good thing was that I was on legal aid so they never claimed it.

However, it put a big black mark on my credit file.

Let me tell you where I was in 2009.

I was £60,000 in debt.

I had £130,000 in county court judgments against me.

My credit cards had been maxed out.

All but one of my bank accounts had been frozen.

In total, I was some £250,000 (US$350,000) in debt.

I had lost my contract at the gym I worked at.

I had no leads coming in.

I was too afraid to answer the phone in case it was it was a debt collector.

I couldn’t refuse in case it was a prospect for training (not that it ever was.)

I was too afraid to open my post fearing what it was.

When the window cleaner used to come I would hide behind the sofa.

Every time the phone rang or the doorbell rang my stomach would turn into knots because of fear of who it was.

I used to do my food shopping online as I was too afraid to have the humiliation of my card declining at the supermarket.

My girlfriend at the time left me as I couldn’t take her out anywhere.

She openly said it was because of financial reasons.

I used to buy my clothes at charity shops.

If I did get some cash I’d go to the supermarket and by the near out of date stuff as that was all I could afford.

I was living off a government benefit called working tax credit for £52 per week.

One Friday in June 2009 three court summons arrived for unpaid debts.

However that night a high court enforcer came to repossess my house.

Unknown to me 3 of my creditors had taken me to court.

I hadn’t opened my mail because of fear of what was in the envelopes.

In my absence, the judge awarded them my house.

The enforcer said I had 1 hour to give him £30,000 or he would repossess the house.

I had £1 (US $1.50) to last me until Monday.

In desperation I rang my Dad who told the enforcer where to go- the house was in his name.

The following Monday I met some millionaires at a networking event.

They wanted me to travel to their house to train them.

Guess how much they offered me to travel 11 miles each way and to train them for 1 hour?

£30 (US$50.)

However, when you haven’t eaten for 4 days and you see that money you will take anything.

I was so strapped for cash I even did a few illegal street fights to pay off debts but in doing so I lost part of one of my teeth.

In 2011 my medical director was found guilty of instructing his lawyers to give false information to that inquest.

On that basis alone the GMC verdict against me is unsafe.

However despite 20 letters to South Yorkshire Police they refuse to investigate those people for perjury.

This is the same police force implicated in the Hillsborough disaster and the Rotherham child abuse scandal.

This is why when I was mugged in 2014 I never reported it to the police- mind you I thumped my assailants.

It took four years to bring my case to trial.

Compare that to the potassium case doctor. (11)

Like me she graduated in 2001.

She worked in the Mersey area.

We had the same postgraduate dean David Graham.

She killed a patient with a lethal dose of potassium chloride.

She was never suspended and underwent retraining.

She went onto full registration with the GMC but was delayed due to the effect of a long period of retraining on her career.

I never harmed any patient.

Compare that to David Herbert.(12.)

Like me he graduated in 2001.

He worked in the Mersey area.

We had the same postgraduate dean David Graham.

He went out one night, got drunk, drove home and caused the death of a member of the public.

He was criminally convicted.

The GMC took no action because of the effect of a 15-month suspension on his career.

Compare that to the case of Layman and Schreiber, they gave magic potions to a patient with breast cancer which contained cyanide. They only got a one-year suspension from the medical register. (13)

Compare that to Dr Prasad. He was a family doctor. He stole in excess of £10,000 from his health authority. That money was meant to be a grant to do up his clinic. He used it on his house.

He got a 6-month prison sentence suspended for two years.

The GMC just suspended him for 3 months (14).

Compare that to the UCL medical student who cheated in her final exams.

No action was taken against her (15.)

My offences even if true and proven (and they are all easily refutable) don’t compare to one of those cases.

So I have every sympathy for Tommy.

I am now a personal fitness trainer and I take on the super high-risk cases that no other fitness trainer will dare take on like the case of Deborah Fox (link to story below.)

I also live stream fitness classes across the internet from my studio into your living room at 9 pm when the kids are in bed for the grand sum of £1 per day.

12 men have threatened me with legal action because after the workout their wives get so fired up they are demanding more sex than they can handle!

Check it out on.

1. Tommy Robinson to face retrial over contempt of court charge https://news.sky.com/story/tommy-robinson-to-face-retrial-over-contempt-of-court-charge-11719979

2. Massey vs United Kingdom https://www.dropbox.com/s/c483rg7at7xvb2u/massey.pdf?dl=0

3. Medical director witness statement https://www.dropbox.com/s/c2l75x6tmo9quo4/gjmgmcwitness.pdf?dl=0

4. Sheffield university medical school undergraduate dean witness statement https://www.dropbox.com/s/sscf4h5m65qoc7z/Page%20statement%20proper.pdf?dl=0

5. Evidence that the medical director was under investigation for instructing his lawyers to give false information to that inquest https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgc73bw8bp0l6ao/mcnicholasstatement.pdf?dl=0

6. Proof I had been cleared over the exam matter in 2001 https://www.dropbox.com/s/roj57w3wyejl2zl/cattomeeting.pdf?dl=0

7. Proof they refused to read my evidence https://www.dropbox.com/s/huf8fqzboeyjwf2/Varma%20_M_%20email%20revd%20in%20camera.pdf?dl=0

8. The withheld evidence https://www.dropbox.com/s/lfvo6waisf4eyke/gmc21december2006.pdf?dl=0

9. Admission they did not disclose it to me https://www.dropbox.com/s/s17678ttcehzu0n/gmc28december2006.pdf?dl=0

10. Lawyer’s admission that the majority of charges were trivial https://www.dropbox.com/s/7yk1lfy62ffw03p/maceandjones13jan2003.pdf?dl=0

11. The potassium case https://www.dropbox.com/s/tkpz5b4enu7g5fc/potassium2.pdf?dl=0

12. David Herbert https://www.dropbox.com/s/r7cgop6r01xwwtv/herbert.pdf?dl=0

13. Layman and Schreiber https://www.dropbox.com/s/598h2iso3n75zqg/laymanschreiber.pdf?dl=0

14. Dr Prasad judgement https://www.dropbox.com/s/ph3t5y1lgyp61es/prasad.pdf?dl=0

15. UCL medical student https://www.dropbox.com/s/jxwizih6l6mo8pl/uclmedicalstudent2.pdf?dl=0

The story of Deborah Fox https://video-newsletters.tf/BkVcV2vcN



James Bond
James Bond

Written by James Bond

My name is Bond, Dr. James Bond, I help mothers get in shape http://www.operationmumsinmind.co.uk

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