Women do not like fit men

James Bond
2 min readNov 29, 2023
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

What do you think of this? This woman advises single women to go to the gym to find a guy because of his discipline.

In my experience, women do not like fit men. Bear in mind I am a personal trainer. Every male personal trainer knows this. Most of us have had one or more of the following experiences.

It’s quite common for a lady to threaten a male personal trainer with the termination of a relationship because most, if not all, of his clients, will be women. That arouses jealousy and accusations of being unfaithful. Trust me I know!

I also remember once I met this lady through a dating website. At the time I was a self-employed personal trainer at Pure Gym. She was also a member and we agreed to meet up after my shift and a PT appointment had finished that Sunday.

As I came out of the changing room one of the female members came up to me saying “I really enjoyed your aerobics class and the abs class that followed. How do you keep so fit?” My date-to-be looked horrified asking “How many classes have you done today?”

I replied “Spinning in the morning for 45 minutes, then aerobics for 45 minutes, in the afternoon I did a…

