World No Bra day 2020

James Bond
6 min readOct 13, 2020

Every year hundreds of thousands new cases of breast cancer occur in the United States alone, with approximately 250,000 of them being invasive forms of breast cancer, and an additional 2,600 cases being found in men. No Bra Day encourages women everywhere to go without their bra to raise awareness for breast cancer and the challenges that those with it faces. If you know someone who has been affected by Breast Cancer or just want to help continue the fight against it, No Bra Day is an opportunity to help those around you know that the fight is ongoing!

Learn about No Bra Day

If you are a woman and you are reading this, you will know exactly what we are referring to when we say that removing your bra once you get home is one of life’s great pleasures! If you are a man, you will just have to take our word for it. However, No Bra Day does not celebrate this little comfort that all women can relate to. It is much bigger and more important than this.

No Bra Day is about the fight against breast cancer. A lot of people know someone who has experienced breast cancer. It is a horrible disease, which can have a heartbreaking conclusion. No Bra Day encourages women around the world to ditch their bra to raise awareness for this disease. It is a great day in terms of supporting women who have experienced breast cancer or are going through it at the moment, as well as raising awareness about the condition so that we can, hopefully, find a cure for it.

Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. In fact, it is believed that one in eight women will be diagnosed with this illness in their lifetime. That’s a pretty high number! While there is a good chance of recovery, there have been a lot of women who have lost their lives because of this terrible disease.

Early diagnosis is imperative, and while breast cancer is most common in women over the age of 50-years-old, women of any age can get it. It is important that we have days like No Bra Day so that we can raise awareness about this condition and make sure that we are all doing our best to raise funds and education so that we can find a cure for breast cancer.

History of No Bra Day

No Bra Day was established to both raise awareness of breast cancer and its prevalence in today’s society, as well as to drive opportunities for fund-raising to help keep the research moving. 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lives and have to battle a disease that can, at worst, be lethal.

But outside of just its lethality, it also has the possibility of impacting a woman’s view of herself, her ability to breastfeed, and can result in surgeries that include mastectomies. Breasts are of the primary identifiers of what makes a woman, visually, a woman, and having to have them removed in the fight against breast cancer can lead to self-image issues and depression.

So why is it that women everywhere choose not to wear a bra to raise awareness of this horrible disease? Women who have been through a battle with breast cancer often have to wear a prosthesis to hide the fact that they’ve had a breast or breasts removed, and are unable to go without a bra as a result. By spending the day without a bra you can raise awareness and help to prevent other women from having to go through this experience.

How to celebrate No Bra Day

Celebrating No Bra Day is as simple as not wearing a bra, but if you’re in the mood to do more for yourself and others, then there are a number of important options. First off, get yourself to your doctor and schedule a breast exam, catching breast cancer early isn’t difficult, and if you do so you’ll have a greater chance of coming out of it without so much as a scar. Encourage your friends to do the same, and maybe even take some time to work together to create a fundraiser or support a local agency that’s holding one.

There are a number of other ways that you can celebrate No Bra Day as well. It would definitely help if you were to raise awareness about the condition. Thanks to the Internet and social media, this is something that we are able to do with much greater ease today.

There will be a lot of infographics and informative pieces of content that are going around online, so make sure to share these with your friends, followers, and family members. You can also share stories about breast cancer survivors, as well as sharing information about the hard work that is being done by a lot of people all over the world in the fight against cancer.

Another idea for No Bra Day is to fundraise for the cause. There are a lot of cancer charities out there, and we are sure that they would appreciate your help. This includes charities for breast cancer sufferers and their families too. You could organize an event in your local area, for instance.

From fun runs to cake sales; there are many different options. If you are a craft person, you may decide to make something and sell it online, with the proceeds (or at least some of them) going to a breast cancer charity.

Taken from

What puts you at risk


Family History

Atypical Breasts

Contralateral breasts cancer

Early 1st monthly cycle

Hormone replacement therapy


Not having any children

Drugs (Illegal ones)



Family history

Failure of medical treatment

Please watch the video I made when I found out that Sarah Harding of Girls Aloud was diagnosed with advanced Breast cancer.

How to do a breast self-examination

Please watch this 3 minute video

Action points — please sign these two parliamentary petitions

Please sign these parliamentary petitions. If you get 10,000 signatures the government has to respond. If the response is not good enough they can ask for a better response. If that still is not good enough the committee can summon a minister for questioning.

If you get 100,000 signatures then they consider it for debate in parliament.

Lower the age that breast screening services are offered

I would like the breast screening age to be lowered and offered to men. The screening programme says that it is more common for 50+ year olds to be diagnosed with breast cancer however I was 27 when diagnosed. I have had to undergo chemotherapy and will need surgery and radiotherapy.

Breast cancer does not only affect women over 50, it affects many women in their 20s, 30s and 40s and they aren’t offered screening unless there is a family history or an abnormality that they must find themselves. Men can also be affected by breast cancer so are equally entitled to screenings.

Early detection could mean women have treatment at an earlier stage, and early action should prevent deaths and mean simpler treatment as it would be caught sooner

Teach pupils how to check for lumps in breasts and testicles in KS3 PSHE lessons

Make it compulsory for children to be taught how to check for unusual lumps in their breast or testicles as part of the key stage 3 curriculum. This could then include discussions around the importance of smear tests and contacting GPS when unusual lumps are found with less embarrassment.

Young adults of today need to know more about how to check their breasts or testicles correctly and I therefore worry that many of them fail to do this on a regular basis if at all. There is a stigma attached to smear tests where girls are embarrassed to go and get checked and this is so important for their health with the prediction of 1 in 2 people having some form of cancer in their lifetime. This could help save lives.


Beating the Odds What women can do to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.


  1. How to Perform a Breast Self-Exam presented by City of Hope & The Pink Patch Project

