Would you like to improve your sex life?
Check out this 35-second video. Please note this video was banned in some parts of the world.
My fitness company is the only one that openly advocates a vegetarian or preferably a vegan diet. Although I can’t force my clients to eliminate meat from their diet I can advise.
Those that do all- without exception- report a very rapid, very safe loss of excess body fat. They all report a massive rise in energy and improvement in health.
Every time you eat meat then you are taking in animal fat, there is no way around that. However, you expose yourself to DASH.
Disease. You are exposing yourself to any disease that the animal had. I have often wondered if that is part of the reason why statistically speaking vegetarians have a lower risk of cancer. Imagine if you ate some liver or kidney which had metastasised cancer in it?
Antibiotics. You are exposing yourself to any antibiotics that the animal was on.
Steroids. Again you are exposing yourself to any steroids that the animal was on.
Hormones. Farm animals are often force-fed hormones. I have often wondered if that is part of the reason why statistically speaking female vegetarians have a lower risk of fibroids and breast lumps and the like.
The next video is one I find so cute. This is a 5-year-old girl telling her mother she won’t eat meat again.
So what would I advise you to do?
Join the Pro veg Challenge by going to https://proveg.com/veggie-challenge/
Join the ProVeg Veggie Challenge and try eating more plant-based for 30 days. It’s better for your health, better for the planet and better for animals. Get a healthy start with your personal Challenge. They’’ll help you along the way with free tips, recipes and support.
My online recipe magazine- http://jamesbondhealthandfitness.fitpromag.com/Recipes/Vegetarian/
Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter.